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electricity - page 2

French cities to be powered by water from rivers

in Renewable Energy by
A tidal HydroQuest installed in Orleans. (Photo credit: Orléans Council)
A tidal HydroQuest installed in Orleans. (Photo credit: Orléans Council)

The water current: difficult to find a cheaper and cleaner source of energy. However, the giant dams are often not accepted by the population. The natural sites are often threatened by these maxi-projects, as in Sivens or even some dwellings. HydroQuest has developed small turbines powered by the river current. This is a local source of renewable energy and more environmentally friendly than the dams.

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Some companies run 100% on Renewable Energy

in Sustainable development by
Installation of solar panels
Installation of solar panels

A growing number of major companies, including Google and Mars, are turning to renewable energy. This not only helps the planet but also the finances. Read more

Indian potter invent the clay refrigerator

in Innovation by
Manshuk Prajapati showing his clay refrigerator
Manshuk Prajapati showing his clay refrigerator

He is called the ‘Harry Potter’ of rural India. Mansukh Prajapati invented a clay refrigerator running without electricity and 100% recyclable. A boon for India where 500 million people are without electricity and / or cannot afford such a household appliance. He used his knowledge to create a successful company: Mitti Cool. It sells pottery but also various utensils such as pots, pans and kitchen sets. One of the items available is revolutionising India: the clay refrigerator. Read more

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