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India will have only electric cars by 2030

in Transportation by
india electric-car

India, which faces a huge pollution problem, is multiplying ecological measures. We recently introduced you to plastic roads as well as the conversion of waste into fuel. This time a new level has been reached when Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal announces that all the cars marketed in 2030 will be electric.

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Germans are ready to give up their cars for the planet

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cycle germany 1

A study on environmental awareness has shown that two-thirds of Germans want a better infrastructure for cycling. In large cities, 60 per cent of drivers could imagine the changeover to bus and train. Less dependent on the car, that would make life better. 91 per cent of Germans are of that opinion and they think that this will help to save the planet. Read more

Renault Zoé: Contributing to the energy transition

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Renault continues to innovate in the field of automotive power and it seems that this is only the beginning, as proof, with their new Zoé, a city car with a range of 400 km. Read more

Emirates introduces recycled blankets from plastic bottles in its Economy Class

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When you huddle on an Economy Class flight from Emirates airline, it is old plastic bottles that will keep you warm … They were transformed into blankets … From now to 2019, 88 million plastic bottles, that would otherwise end up at the landfill, will be used.

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Dutch trains fuel only on wind

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train PBas

This is a world’s first for the railways in Netherlands. Projected to run 100 percent on wind energy by 2018, they have reached their objectives one year before. Read more

India: Conversion of local waste into fuel

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Of the world’s 20 most polluted cities, 13 are found in India, and over 600,000 Indians die as a result of air pollution every year. Along with this, air pollution caused by vehicles is a big issue. The Indian auto industry is one of the largest in the world. Many initiatives have been planned to curb it. But the most effective one these days seem to be the use of a cost-effective fuel made from local sewage or waste known as Biogas. Read more

Bordeaux: Employees encouraged to bike to work

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Loïc dans l'atelier vélo - Photo: Stéphanie Brossard

Bordeaux in France has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2002 and since then it has worked towards a clean and soft urban transportation system.  It has considerably developed its network of bicycle paths. In spite of this, some persons are finding it difficult to take the bike to get to work and leave their car at home. The lack of a bike repair shop, in case of a problem, was a brake on this approach. But since the installation of a workshop in an enterprise this has given a boost to the employees. Read more

France launches 100% conventional electric helicopter

in Renewable Energy/Transportation by

The National Civil Aviation School and Aquinea, the two main partners in this project can jubilate. The maiden flight of the first 100% conventional electric helicopter, named Volta, was a success. Read more

UK’s first solar bus to brighten your trip in Brighton

in Renewable Energy/Transportation by

After a successful experience in running buses on waste cooking oil from local restaurants, The Big Lemon has decided to launch United Kingdom’s first solar-powered bus fleet in Brighton. Read more

World’s first zero-emission hydrogen-powered train in Germany

in Transportation by

Coradia iLint. This is a non-polluting and non-electric train unveiled by French train construction company Alstom at InnoTrans, an international trade fair for transport technology. Germany is set to host this world’s first zero-emission, hydrogen passenger train in 2017. Read more

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