Renewable energy is booming in Canada

Canada is experiencing a boom in renewable energy. According to the National Energy Board (NEB), in a report entitled “Panorama of renewable electricity in Canada,” the country is fourth in the world. Read more
[Please do no contact the news team of Inspir’Action! We’re not owners nor reseller of Brikawood. See contact details below.] … More
The Plastic Road project in the Netherlands gives new life to plastic waste, while, at the same time, avoiding millions … More
Good news, on the environment, is scarce. For the first time, a group of English and American scientists succeeded in … More
[Please do no contact the news team of Inspir’Action! We’re not owners nor reseller of Brikawood. See contact details below.] … More
Good news, on the environment, is scarce. For the first time, a group of English and American scientists succeeded in … More
This is a project of shared and sustainable management of agricultural and natural areas on the outskirts of urban centres. … More
Good news, on the environment, is scarce. For the first time, a group of English and American scientists succeeded in … More
Her hands are those of a fairy. Her heart- full of compassion for her people. And what makes the stunning … More
In collaboration with Parley for the Oceans, an organization that brings together scientists, artists and citizens around projects to clean … More
Good news, on the environment, is scarce. For the first time, a group of English and American scientists succeeded in … More
It all started with the petition “Stop food waste” in Hauts de Seine in France. Gathering hundreds of thousands of … More
Rainfall has become more irregular in Kenya due to climate change. Moreover, currently used diesel-powered irrigation pumps are highly polluting … More
Canada is experiencing a boom in renewable energy. According to the National Energy Board (NEB), in a report entitled “Panorama of renewable electricity in Canada,” the country is fourth in the world. Read more
October was an unusual month in Scotland. Thanks to its turbines and exceptional climatic conditions, the winds were so strong,
Researchers from the University of Illinois have reasons to rejoice. They did as good a job as Mother Nature. Not
United States, Canada, and Mexico will join hands to use greener and cleaner energy like wind, solar and other carbon-free
In the United Kingdom, 7 million coffee cups are being thrown away a day. Even when they are disposed in recycling bins, less than 1% of these cups are recycled. Chef-turned-waste-activist Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall from environment charity Hubbub decided to take the bull by the horns and launched the #1MoreShot campaign in Manchester. Read more
In collaboration with Parley for the Oceans, an organization that brings together scientists, artists and citizens around projects to clean
There is neither aroma nor artificial additives in this Texan coffee. The cups are recycled or composted as well as
While the Rio Olympics and Paralympic Games have just ended, all eyes are now turning to Japan. The land of
After a successful experience in running buses on waste cooking oil from local restaurants, The Big Lemon has decided to launch United Kingdom’s first solar-powered bus fleet in Brighton. Read more
The National Civil Aviation School and Aquinea, the two main partners in this project can jubilate. The maiden flight of
The cut-throat competition for sustainability is fierce and Costa Rica reached a massive success of sustaining its energy with 100%
Solar Impulse landed Tuesday in Abu Dhabi, where the aircraft capable of flying day and night with solar energy only
While the Rio Olympics and Paralympic Games have just ended, all eyes are now turning to Japan. The land of the rising sun, who will host the next Summer Games in 2020, is already working hard to organize this great sports festival. Among the many practical challenges, is that of the manufacture of gold, silver and bronze medals that victorious athletes will proudly wear after the events. A challenge that may seem trivial but which is no less capital.
There is neither aroma nor artificial additives in this Texan coffee. The cups are recycled or composted as well as
In the United Kingdom, 7 million coffee cups are being thrown away a day. Even when they are disposed in
What do we do to reduce our ecological footprint? More and more conscientious people around the world are asking this
Groups of people in various towns in France are calling for sustainable actions for organic food. We have stopped at Champagné-Saint-Hilaire, a town in the department of Vienne, Poitou-Charentes. (Article published by Helen Bannier in We Demain, September 26, 2016. Photo credit: Claire Marquis) Read more
The Republic of Guatemala, with an estimated population of about 15.8 million, is the most populous state in Central America.
It is always difficult to go shopping with the children. But at the Gally’s farm, a founding member of the
A cooperative encourages rural development and poverty reduction in India through local initiatives whose goal is to empower women and
This is unprecedented in Africa! South Africa has just opened its first airport powered by solar energy. The George airport is an infrastructure with 3,000 solar panels on a surface of 200 m2.
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More than 95% of the 10 million Burundians do not have access to electricity. The mayor of Bujumbura Fredy Mbonimpa
India is the third polluter of the planet behind China and the United States of America. Its coal plants still
Despite the fact that Donald Trump signed a decree abrogating Barack Obama’s measures on climate, especially in the fight against
A cooperative encourages rural development and poverty reduction in India through local initiatives whose goal is to empower women and youth living in rural areas. This broadly the objective of SEWA (Self Employed Women Association) based in the western state of Gujarat. Read more
The Republic of Guatemala, with an estimated population of about 15.8 million, is the most populous state in Central America.
Groups of people in various towns in France are calling for sustainable actions for organic food. We have stopped at
It not only brings a smile to Malawi fishermen, but it also fills their wallets. The revolutionary solar drying tent
If we take the trouble to go further than the simple prototype, this is undoubtedly a good news for the planet. An Icelander has presented an invention at a design festival in March 2016. The bottle is completely biodegradable and loses its strength when it is empty. Read more
The people of Qinghai province in northwest China have been lit and heated for seven days by solar, wind and
In order to make your fastest meals come together with eco-responsibility, German company Leaf Republic has devised a biodegradable alternative
The house of Ingrid and Benjamin Hjertefølger, surrounded by a garden, protected from the cold by a glass dome and
You will not say that you are on the roof of a building. On the top of the Clinique Pasteur in Toulouse, we are surrounded by strawberries, salads and flowers. “The vegetable garden at the service of the enterprise.” That’s the idea that germinated with Macadam Gardens. Since then, the designers are having their heads in the clouds and grow vegetables on rooftops in France. Read more
Tessa Silva-Dawson, a design student at the Royal College of Art in London, is using cow’s milk to create a
A dozen French companies came together to help communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America against the environmental degradation, climate
This is a project of shared and sustainable management of agricultural and natural areas on the outskirts of urban centres.
This is a project of shared and sustainable management of agricultural and natural areas on the outskirts of urban centres. Launched in 1999, the Songhai Centre Atagara – Parakou in Benin is a success story. Discovery. Read more
In Brachoua, Morocco the locals just wanted to meet their food needs but, in the end, they did much more
Emmanuel Macron was elected President of the Republic of France after beating the extreme right candidate Marine Le Pen in
Tessa Silva-Dawson, a design student at the Royal College of Art in London, is using cow’s milk to create a