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Yasine MOHABUTH - page 3

Yasine MOHABUTH has 173 articles published.

BedZED: an exemplary eco-village in London

in Sustainable development by
Bedzed en

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair had a vision for a greener future. The Beddington Zero Energy Development was launched during his tenure in 2002. Fifteen years later, BedZED is the largest eco-village in the United Kingdom, a mixed set of dwellings and offices located in Beddington, London Borough of Sutton.

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An innovative shower recycles five gallons of water for two weeks

in Innovation by

If in Europe severe winter weather is wreaking havoc, on other continents drought is a serious issue. Scarcity of water is not a new issue especially in Africa. Two Japanese engineers seem to have found a spectacular answer to save water! Using the device they developed, you would take 50 showers … with only 20 litres of water! Read more

Incredible Edible: Todmorden is an example for the world

in Agriculture by

This collective and spontaneous solidarity movement is booming around the world. You could soon find, at the corner of your street, fruits and vegetables of first quality … and, above all, freely! This phenomenon, which originated in England, is that of the Incredible Edible.

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Dutch trains fuel only on wind

in Transportation by
train PBas

This is a world’s first for the railways in Netherlands. Projected to run 100 percent on wind energy by 2018, they have reached their objectives one year before. Read more

Google will switch to 100% renewable energy in 2017

in Renewable Energy by
google en

By 2017, Google will use 100% renewable energy for its operations, including its computer data centers. According to their plan, this target should not be reached until 2025. Read more

Sustainable irrigation: The pump of the future helping farmers in Kenya

in Sustainable development by
kenya solar irrigation

Rainfall has become more irregular in Kenya due to climate change. Moreover, currently used diesel-powered irrigation pumps are highly polluting and carbon intensive. A solar irrigation pump known as Futurepump has made work easier for small-scale farmers. Read more

India: Conversion of local waste into fuel

in Transportation by

Of the world’s 20 most polluted cities, 13 are found in India, and over 600,000 Indians die as a result of air pollution every year. Along with this, air pollution caused by vehicles is a big issue. The Indian auto industry is one of the largest in the world. Many initiatives have been planned to curb it. But the most effective one these days seem to be the use of a cost-effective fuel made from local sewage or waste known as Biogas. Read more

Bordeaux: Employees encouraged to bike to work

in Transportation by
Loïc dans l'atelier vélo - Photo: Stéphanie Brossard

Bordeaux in France has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2002 and since then it has worked towards a clean and soft urban transportation system.  It has considerably developed its network of bicycle paths. In spite of this, some persons are finding it difficult to take the bike to get to work and leave their car at home. The lack of a bike repair shop, in case of a problem, was a brake on this approach. But since the installation of a workshop in an enterprise this has given a boost to the employees. Read more

No bags or packages at zero-waste grocers in Montreal

in Waste Management by
Méga Vrac

At the beginning of the previous century, around 1925, consumers were buying food at the grocery’s store or butcher’s with their own containers. We are currently witnessing a return to these practices with Montreal’s zero-waste grocery stores. (Article inspired from Le Devoir, published on November 7, 2016)
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What Donald Trump’s victory implies for the energy sector…

in Editorial by

The United States of America has a new president. The unexpected triumph of Donald Trump is certainly not due to his commitment to green issues over his rival Hillary Clinton. But anyway, the next occupant of the White House proposed a plan for an American Energy Renaissance.

In the seventies, the environment was a matter of great significance for a small number of people in the United States. Nowadays, it is of paramount importance for local, regional and national supremacy. So much so, that the two candidates had carefully presented their project. Hillary Clinton had a clear and well defined environmental project and has a competitive edge on her opponent. This was clearly seen in the results where American environmentalists have overwhelmingly voted for the Democratic candidate.

Donald Trump has pledged that he will reduce and eliminate all obstacles to responsible energy production, creating at least half a million jobs per year, 30 billion US dollars higher wages and cheaper energy.

But we must also face the fact that Hillary Clinton has shilly-shallied on some sensitive issues; particularly her past support for fracking, or hydraulic fracturing in the program known as the ‘Global Shale Gas Initiative’.

However, let us render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s. Donald Trump, with his outspokenness, even if he has done some damage like a bull in a china shop, has been more consistent. He did not hesitate to announce that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be dissolved under his Presidency. Donald Trump also announced he will “cancel the Paris climate agreement” and that climate change is “hoax created by and for the Chinese to make the US manufacturing noncompetitive,” at a time when Hillary Clinton has defined climate change as “an urgent threat and challenge of our time.” (Watch video)

Have Americans been seduced by the words of Republican candidate against the Democrat who seemed to have sided too much with the oil and gas industry?

Without fanfare, Donald Trump made his merry way with his energy plan. Exactly; what is up for the grabs with this American energy renaissance plan?

Donald Trump wants to make America ‘absolutely energy independent’ while creating millions of new jobs and protecting clean air and clean water. “We will maintain our natural habitats, our reserves and resources. We will trigger an energy revolution that will bring vast new wealth in our country, “he said. In the process, he intends to impose American dominance in energy as a strategic objective of economic and foreign policy of the United States.

The President-elect also wants to “encourage the use of natural gas and other US energy resources that will both reduce emissions but also reduce the price of energy and increase our economic output.” Donald Trump would also free the 50 trillion US dollars in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, plus hundreds of years in clean coal reserves. This would allow the US to “remain completely independent of any need to import energy from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) cartel, or any nation hostile to our interests.”

Donald Trump will approve the construction of the Keystone pipeline in Canada but stressed that “Americans should have some of the profits and this is how the USA will become richer.”

It is expected that Barack Obama’s “job-destroying” decisions will be withdrawn. Donald Trump has pledged that he will reduce and eliminate all obstacles to responsible energy production, creating at least half a million jobs per year, 30 billion US dollars higher wages and cheaper energy.

While the Senate and Congress will all be to his cause, it is expected that Donald Trump will legislate to protect US interests in the environmental and energy fields.

As 9/11 will always remain in the world’s saddest memories, let us hope that 11/9 results are not going to rub salt into a wound that is slow to heal.

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