Renault Zoé: Contributing to the energy transition

Renault continues to innovate in the field of automotive power and it seems that this is only the beginning, as proof, with their new Zoé, a city car with a range of 400 km. Read more
[Please do no contact the news team of Inspir’Action! We’re not owners nor reseller of Brikawood. See contact details below.] … More
The Plastic Road project in the Netherlands gives new life to plastic waste, while, at the same time, avoiding millions … More
Good news, on the environment, is scarce. For the first time, a group of English and American scientists succeeded in … More
[Please do no contact the news team of Inspir’Action! We’re not owners nor reseller of Brikawood. See contact details below.] … More
Good news, on the environment, is scarce. For the first time, a group of English and American scientists succeeded in … More
This is a project of shared and sustainable management of agricultural and natural areas on the outskirts of urban centres. … More
Good news, on the environment, is scarce. For the first time, a group of English and American scientists succeeded in … More
Her hands are those of a fairy. Her heart- full of compassion for her people. And what makes the stunning … More
In collaboration with Parley for the Oceans, an organization that brings together scientists, artists and citizens around projects to clean … More
Good news, on the environment, is scarce. For the first time, a group of English and American scientists succeeded in … More
Rainfall has become more irregular in Kenya due to climate change. Moreover, currently used diesel-powered irrigation pumps are highly polluting … More
In collaboration with Parley for the Oceans, an organization that brings together scientists, artists and citizens around projects to clean … More
Renault continues to innovate in the field of automotive power and it seems that this is only the beginning, as proof, with their new Zoé, a city car with a range of 400 km. Read more
The people of Qinghai province in northwest China have been lit and heated for seven days by solar, wind and
In order to meet the commitments of the Paris Agreements after COP 21, we must be inventive. In addition to
India, which faces a huge pollution problem, is multiplying ecological measures. We recently introduced you to plastic roads as well
From the simple donation box to the more elaborate common pantry idea, this organization is bound to better the lives of its fellow citizens. Their organization whose name is ‘On a Pensé à Un Truc‘ which translates as “They came up with something” thinks outside the box and comes forward with innovative social projects. Read more
He always liked to transform the cities and allow the meeting between the inhabitants to make them happy. Geneva’s Dan
Hand washing with soap may seem as a common simple everyday act. Yet, it remains one of the most neglected
No one has to sleep hungry. Especially when across the world, there are enough resources to produce the necessary amount
A supermarket in Berlin has set up a vertical farm inside its store. Since then, consumers are enjoying organic products at a low cost as there are no intermediaries in the production line.
Bangladesh has a warm, rainy and humid tropical climate with temperatures climbing up to 45 degrees Celsius (113ºF) in summer.
“The imagination, give it the least license, dives deeper and soars higher than Nature goes”, rightly wrote the American essayist
Australia, Turkey, Philippines… Throughout the month of May, activists have mobilised to put some countries to face their contradictions. Because
In collaboration with Parley for the Oceans, an organization that brings together scientists, artists and citizens around projects to clean the oceans and preserve marine life, the three-band brand launched the Adidas Ultraboost Uncaged Parley. Read more
There is no doubt about it anymore! Your dog is a real source of renewable energy. Océane Izard, a young
At Älmhult in Sweden is the headquarters of IKEA, a brand that has constantly evolved around an unchanged vision since
When you huddle on an Economy Class flight from Emirates airline, it is old plastic bottles that will keep you
This school in Bali has been recognized as a world reference. With a passionate community of teachers, learning takes place in an unusual environment.
They are sailing into the wind in France. These more sober and cleaner models of development are territories with positive
In order to meet the commitments of the Paris Agreements after COP 21, we must be inventive. In addition to
India, which faces a huge pollution problem, is multiplying ecological measures. We recently introduced you to plastic roads as well
It is a like a breath of fresh air for the common people who wants to protect the planet. Saule Technologies delivers revolutionary solar panels in the form of low-cost flexible and lightweight foil. Read more
In northern Europe, an artificial island project was proposed by two companies European companies with the objective of providing clean
For many of us, energy is an important issue. Whether it is for saving money or protecting the environment, we
At a time when all automobiles manufacturers are struggling with new models and technological advances Toyota launched… a wooden car.
Nowadays, more and more alternative, sustainable and quasi-autonomous habitats are finding their place in urban landscapes. Since June 2015, for a three-year period, the Scholten family has had the chance to “test” one of these houses, thanks to a program initiated by the University of Rotterdam. Read more
Indonesia is facing the scourge of plastic waste that pollutes the environment. In Bali, to counter this environmental outrage, a
Imagine an eco-conscious world where we don’t need thousands of liters of water to wash out a blue jean, astronomical
More than 95% of the 10 million Burundians do not have access to electricity. The mayor of Bujumbura Fredy Mbonimpa
When you huddle on an Economy Class flight from Emirates airline, it is old plastic bottles that will keep you warm … They were transformed into blankets … From now to 2019, 88 million plastic bottles, that would otherwise end up at the landfill, will be used.
At Älmhult in Sweden is the headquarters of IKEA, a brand that has constantly evolved around an unchanged vision since
Indonesia is facing the scourge of plastic waste that pollutes the environment. In Bali, to counter this environmental outrage, a
In collaboration with Parley for the Oceans, an organization that brings together scientists, artists and citizens around projects to clean
In Burkina Faso, deforestation is a major issue since 80% of the national energy needs are fuelled by firewood. This Livelihoods Fund project aims to help rural people adapt to desertification and climate change by adopting environmentally friendly cookers they will make themselves. A revolution for their daily lives that slows the deforestation of the Sahel. Read more
In 2007, a 10-year-old German decided to plant trees for the benefit of the planet. Today, Felix Finkbeiner is 20
In India, the government identified two major problems: youth unemployment and poor air quality. Fortunately, they found an innovative solution
In an article last year, we featured a young Icelandic who produced a bottle of biodegradable water from seaweed. We
In 2007, a 10-year-old German decided to plant trees for the benefit of the planet. Today, Felix Finkbeiner is 20 and the Plant-for-the-Planet initiative he launched has become a worldwide phenomenon with more than 14 billion trees already planted. Read more
In Burkina Faso, deforestation is a major issue since 80% of the national energy needs are fuelled by firewood. This
In China, Shanghai still remains the most populated city with its some 24 million inhabitants. In the middle of metal
In Europe, accommodation is becoming extremely expensive. In big cities, like London, Paris, Vienna or Roma, people with average incomes