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May 2016

San Diego to run exclusively on renewable energy by 2035

in Renewable Energy by

San Diego en

Many countries and cities are promoting renewable energy. San Diego is the second largest region in the United States which generates electricity from solar energy. A research has been conducted in order to further increase the use of renewable energy in the day to day running of the municipality. (Article extracted from Solar Crunch, May8, 2016). Read more

Vertical Forest: a sustainable residential building in Milan

in Environment by


Growing beeches, oaks, olive trees, apples, cherries and Turkish hazelnuts on buildings: this is the successful bet of Italian architect Stefano Boeri. The development of such Bosco verticale (Vertical Forest) creates a network of environmental corridors and increases greenspaces in the city of Milan. Read more

Eco Domum turns plastic waste into affordable housing in Mexico

in Sustainable development by
mexico ecodomum 1
The type of plastic waste recovered

Mexican startup Eco Domum, created in 2013, has an ecological and solidarity vocation. Through recycling, it gives a second life to plastic waste and offers low-cost housing to the poor. Read more

Africa startups go green

in Collaborative Economy by


Fight against climate change, waste recycling, access to clean and sustainable energy, protecting the environment … What innovative solutions can technology bring to entrepreneurs in Africa to try to stem the climate change and come to the rescue of the planet? (Extract from Samir Abdelkrim Blog, Read more

Farmers in France turn to Agroecology

in Agriculture by

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Agroecology is making its merry way in France. This is a promising form of agriculture and it is gradually progressing. According to a survey, 79% of farmers apply this concept in 2015 against 50% in 2014. Read more

Biodegradable and edible beer casings save marine life

in Environment by


The Saltwater Brewery in Florida, United States, decided to say no to marine pollution. It is replacing its plastic rings for six-pack of beer into biodegradable and edible ones. These new casings have been especially designed to help protect wildlife and environment and prevent marine animals from choking on plastic debris. Read more

Documentary “Tomorrow” inspires civic initiatives in Belgium

in Sustainable development by

belgique en The movie “Tomorrow” (Demain) is a hit in Belgium with several citizen initiatives are emerging. They want to transform their village sustainably through the common thought. Read more

Copenhagen: towards a zero-carbon future

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Copenhagen is collecting trophies in the field of sustainable development and renewable energy. The Danish capital aims at being the first city in the world to be carbon neutral by 2025. Read more

Energy from coal hits zero for first time ever in UK

in Renewable Energy by

Uk coal enThis is another nail in the coal’s coffin. New figures released this week in the United Kingdom (UK) show wind generated more electricity than coal for the first time in 100 years. Earlier this month, the amount of electricity generated from coal in the UK fell to zero on numerous times. Some experts are suggesting that this low hasn’t happened since the first coal-fired generator opened in London in 1882.

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An Eco-village built with plastic bottles in Panama

in Sustainable development by
panama bottles
© Plastic Bottle Village

This is the first eco-village in the world built from over a million plastic bottles. They build 120 houses and call it Plastic Bottle Village. Read more

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