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Sadiq Khan wants to be the greenest mayor London’s ever had

in Environment by


The new mayor of London is not in the lace on environmental issues and renewable energy since his election. Sadiq Khan promises that the capital of Great Britain will be greener by 2050. It’s a tall order.A greener future is at the heart of his vision for London. This is the kind of city he wants his children to live. “I want for all our children, a city where the air is clean, green space is available, and the energy we consume is increasingly from renewable and local sources. And I want them to work in an economy that leads the world in new technologies with low carbon emissions, “says Sadiq Khan.
The most pressing environmental issue of the British capital is cleaning the air. The air of London affect people’s health and many persons suffer from asthma. (He himself is asthmatic.) The Labour Mayor proposes an ambitious project for his city. In his own stimulus plan in the energy sector he wants London to be a zero-carbon city in 2050. Amongst others, he wants to:

  • Introduce clean bus lanes with priority new clean buses which run on the most polluted roads in the city.
  • Buy only clean electric buses or hydrogen from 2020, reaching an agreement with other major European and world cities to do the same, to send a signal to bus manufacturers and create a race to the top in clean bus technology.
  • Deliver the electric charging infrastructure, in partnership with the private sector, essential for a major expansion in the use of electric vehicles.
  • To embark on a major program of planting trees across London, in partnership with business and the public sector, with particular emphasis in schools and colleges.
  • Make cycling an easier and safer choice for most Londoners.
  • Ask the government to introduce a scrappage diesel vehicle scheme to support those who wish to move to a greener car.
  • Establish a non-profit organisation that offers a full range of energy services to help Londoners generate more energy in low-carbon and increase their energy efficiency, support local and community businesses and buy clean energy generated through the city.
  • Direct the work to reduce energy bills for Londoners by promoting the deployment of smart meters.

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