They are sailing into the wind in France. These more sober and cleaner models of development are territories with positive energy for a green growth. It is an integral plan that oscillates around six axes with concrete projects for a smooth energy and ecological transition. Currently, 442 communities have been involved in this process.
The first priority action remains a reduction in the consumption of electricity in public places or buildings. After a certain hour, the lights will be switched off.
The second action is a substantial reduction in the pollution caused in the field of transport. Green transport (electricity or those with little or no CO2) will be encouraged in addition to a reduction in the car fleet by promoting public transport and car-pooling.
Renewable energies will be in the spotlight. Photovoltaic panels will be placed on public buildings in order to allow using maximum solar to power the building and public spots.
Biodiversity will be safeguarded with the abolition of the use of pesticides in public green spaces and the deployment of sustainable agriculture in the city.
Learning of the basics environmental issues in the schools and an all-out awareness of the inhabitants
A merciless war will be declared against waste and increased recycling. With the irrevocable abolition of plastic bags in January 2017, steps will be taken to improve recycling.
School canteens will have a better supply of food. This goes hand in hand with learning of the basics environmental issues in the schools and an all-out awareness of the inhabitants to lasting actions.
The Minister of the Environment, Energy and the Sea has implicated herself personally into this initiative. Ségolène Royal brought together those concerned by this energy transition. The Minister took the opportunity to sign for 93 new Green Energy Growth Agreements (GEPTs). There are now 442 territories engaged in the energy transition in France.